"What Are The Decoys listening to?....."

So this is the first segment of "What Are The Decoys Listening to?.....". This will be an ongoing feature on the site so check back regularly for the latest updates!

This Week is Lead Guitar Mastermind Jarrett Boyetchko (October 14th, 2010):

My albums i'm digging right now are:

1. Deathcab For Cutie: Transatlanticism (2003)
Songs: Transatlanticism, The Sound Of Settling.

2. Muse: Showbiz (1999)
Songs: Uno, Sunburn, Unintended.

3. Vampire Weekend: Vampire Weekend (2008)
Songs: The Kids Don't Stand A Chance, Oxford Comma.

4. Silverchair- Diorama (2002)
Songs: Across The Night, After All These Years.

5. Grizzly Bear- Veckatimist (2009)
Songs: Two Weeks, Southern Point.
